Saturday, June 30, 2012

Photo shoot

I was bored one day and decided to do a photo shoot with the kids.

One step closer to being preggers!

Hi Everybody I first off want to say I hope everyone has a Happy 4th of July. I want to explain that from now on i will give you all the updated news. Then my feelings on just things that are going on. First off Katrina and John sent in the funds for the attorney. also very quickly she got the packet (but to my understanding is a book) of questions for the contract. I filled out my questions and E-mailed them back to Katrina A.S.A.P
Sooooo now it is more of a hurry up and wait kind of thing. We are also talking about insurance, I think sometime in the next week we will be signing me up for insurance (At least that is my understanding) Things are moving along, I am thinking maybe we wont have an August IUI but maybe September? I really don't care when we start (but sooner then later is my motto) I would much rather have the paperwork perfect and no gaps then to hurry up and start.
Now here is my feelings on just life and things that are going on.
I am not as emotional as I was in the beginning about missing them and getting things going. I do know that we are all moving as quickly as we can and i know now that Katrina aren't going to dump me when the baby(s) are born (or at least I hope not)  I don't miss them as much. I mean i do but I don't have this urge to move in with them anymore. This is becoming so real. Just to think i might be pregnant when Skip and I go on our Mexico trip in November. AHHHHH!
What is going on at home? Well the kids are out for summer break so I usually have 6-8 kids at home at any given moment during the day (lets not even talk about sleepovers) Yes Skip is very lucky to have a day job. HAHA!
OH! before I forget we got a DOG!!!!
 His name is Cody. Came from a single parent home that couldn't give him the attention that he deserved. We have had him for 2 days now and couldn't be happier to add him to our family (Yes he is SO MUCH better then a new baby)
See pictures below!

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day!

Today is Fathers Day. Happy Fathers Day! Now that I got that out of the way, I do want to share today's news and how I am feeling. I am so thankful that I have Skip in my life. He is a great dad, not only to his own kids but mine as well. I Have never known my own dad, But I wish he is having a great Fathers Day. Maybe he thinks about me from time to time? EH, who knows? Would it be to disrespectful to make a shout out to my future baby daddy and say Happy Fathers Day? Well I just did. I am hoping that this is his last Fathers Day NOT being a daddy! OK, Lets move on to feelings and the journey progress shall we? How I am feeling? Its been a week since I flew out to Chacaaaago to meet Katrina and John. I am having some issues missing them and not being as close as I would like (Kuddos to you that have IP's far away) I love our contact that we have. I love that we are so close and we are like a very far off family! I am having a hard time expressing my feelings with Skip. I try to share as much as I can with him and make him feel as much as a part of this as I can. He has expressed some very disturbing information with me. The emotional person that I am is taking it the wrong way and almost making me think twice about doing this. At the end of the day this is what is in my heart and this is what I am going to do. OK now on to the actual journey, I'm not quite sure what is going on, on Katrina's end. I know she has an appointment with a RE in about a week. We are also waiting on something to start up with the lawyers to get the contract going. I have all my ducks in a row just waiting on insurance so I can find a midwife. Oh yes sorry to leave you out. I am planning on doing another all natural birth at our leading children's hospital, Dornbechers! So that is my update as of today (6-17-12) Need to get ready for the day.
Talk later

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This is the start to a wonderful journey!

To introduce myself...
My name is Bessy. I am a first time TS. I am matched with Katrina and John who happen to live 2,103 miles away (or roughly 30 hours) in the far off land of Illinois. We met on a site called 
I was actually at a point that i stopped looking and was about to give up (for a while) Then Katrina reached out and e-mailed me. She called me a couple days later. I instantly fell in love but didn't want to put my emotions into this at all. As this is how i got hurt before (thanks for that IP's that dumped me) but hey you live and you learn. So I brushed it off and tried to not think about things for a while. OH! i was also talking to so IF's in the process but wanted to give everybody a chance. Katrina and I Skyped and decided to book a ticket for THAT WEEKEND (and thank little baby Jesus that they didn't stuff me in their freezer) over the course of the week i had a ray of emotions. i weighed my pro's and cons of the situation at hand. I cried because i just knew they we're my match! Yet again I didn't want to put my emotions into everything and waited until my weekend was almost over with them. i also typed up a cute little note telling them how much i liked them and at the end it said "YES, I will be your baby momma!!!!" we all cried (except John...MEN!) We are now on the path to getting contracts written up and insurance bought. I am currently tracking my ovulation and we are hoping for a August Pregnancy!!! I do have to say it has been a rough couple of month. I was so ready to just give up and take a break. I am so thankful that they want ME as their baby momma! I couldn't be happier. I truly love my IP's, they will forever be in my heart! 
Keep on looking for updates on how my journey is going.